Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dead Poet's Society: The People

From the realized fate to ones who escape
From lives that are lost that stemmed from debate
Skin starts to tare and souls stare to ware
The good die young but we view this as fair
Fighting for the hustle, power decision on the grind
Chills caress my core then they’re sent up through my spin
Few things are left on my mind we view this from the top
Rules, regulations so there’s many discretion on this rock
We will not lose we will not flop
We still wont go we still won’t stop
Friction on the seems leaves tares at the base
A slight slur and pure euphoria is left from the lace
You’re my brother, my sister, my son, and my daughter
Without realizing this life will be just that much harder
I’ll go to war for you if you go to war for me
I’ll go against the world even though it’s hard to see
It’s hard to grow but I’ll do it for you
Just to help your dreams…the ones you pursue
Your people, my people, my family is yours
My life, your life, is easier to see through fours
My extra set of eyes my extra set of hands
It’s easier on this battlefield to see next to me when I stand
I’m not striving to be the best for my self, looking for no equal
I do it for you, my family, my friends; I do it for the people